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Reaching Out to Your Email List: Yes, They Do Want to Hear From You

Recently, a client was starting to focus on creating valuable content to build her audience, and she was worried. She hadn't sent out a blog post in months.

I haven't done a blog post in such a long time. I don't know, do people on my list even want to hear from me?

It's such a common question.

I want to acknowledge something up front. It takes structure and focus to get a consistent content creation rhythm going in your business. It takes having a clear audience and a specific message. It takes commitment and practice.

And all of that takes time. Sometimes, a lot of time.

When you're developing your business, it's not at all uncommon to have periods on inconsistency and gaps in your content creation.

And that's OK.


Even though it's common, people can still get tripped up.

That question - "Do they even want to hear from me?"  - sometimes plagues coaches, healers or other creatives as they start to work on getting more consistent with their content sharing and marketing.

Sometimes, it can stop them in their tracks.

As they sit down to write (or create other content like videos or podcasts), this question shows up, trying to dissuade them, telling them it's been too long. It says people will have forgotten who they are. Or they no longer want to hear from them. And other such stories.

Not true.

Two Real Reasons Why "Someone may not want to hear from you"

Let's play this out for a minute. Let's assume that you're writing content relevant to your list, in service to providing them some small slice of relief, insight, or perspective on what they're struggling with. 

There are two reasons why someone might not want to receive an email about that from you.

Their Own Growth

First, perhaps they're no longer struggling with the same issue, the one that brought them to you in the first place.

They've moved on.

Maybe, for example, they're no longer struggling with being newly sober, because they're comfortable in their new lifestyle. Or, they're no longer unhappy in their relationships because they've discovered that their happiness depends on themselves, not their partner. Or perhaps, they're no longer putting off their creative work because they've realized how important it is to their own quality of life, so they make time in their schedule for it now.

If so, amen. Wouldn't that be beautiful?

They're Not Your Ideal Client

The only other reason would be because they aren't your ideal client. 

And this might look different depending on the scenario.

Maybe they signed up for your list because they were interested in what you were up to after you left your old job.  They may very well still be interested in hearing what you're doing, the projects you're working on or may also, unbeknownst to you, have a lot of interest in your content. Or not. And, if that’s the case that's OK. You don't need to be speaking to them in this context.

Or, maybe, they might not be ready to hear what you have to say. That also means they’re not your ideal client.

For example, when I was struggling to make time for my creativity and my writing, back when I was juggling a big corporate job and raising my family, I most likely wouldn't have been able to engage with a healer, say, focusing on healing our creative wounds at birth. At the time, I was so focused on time management, thinking that what I needed was a better way to organize my time and my to-do list, I couldn't hear anything else. I wouldn’t have been ready for that person’s message in that moment.

Creating an audience that's right for you and your message takes time. It also means letting people go that aren't really part of your audience.

Shifting from You to Them

So, what if you get stuck with that thought: Do they even want to hear from me? Here's how you can shift your perspective and get unblocked if this happens to you.


    Take a few minutes to breathe deeply and ground into your body.  Settle in, especially if you’ve been running all morning or have just hung up from a meeting or class.


    Next, close your eyes and picture an ideal client. Think about who she might be and bring one specific person to mind. This could be a previous client or someone else you know that you think could really benefit from the type of work you do.  Once you have decided on someone, spend a few minutes with her, visualizing where’s she’s at and what’s troubling her.


    Picture her in a scenario that is related to your content idea (If you don't have a specific content idea at this point, you can go here or just picture her in a situation your ideal clients  frequently find themselves in). Really feel into the scenario. See what she's encountering, how she's feeling, how this issue is affecting the rest of her life. Let her heart fill with empathy for her.


    Picture her, feeling pretty bad, then visualize her opening your email in her inbox. She begins to read your post or listen to your video. Your content witnesses how she might be feeling, struggling and she feels seen. Your piece also offers a slice of insight, a fresh perspective, a bit of relief. See how she can breathe a bit easier now?

  5. LEAN IN

    Lean into that feeling, that feeling you want your ideal client to experience as she connects with your content. Focus on offering her relief as you pick up your pen and start to write or click to start to record.

If you find yourself wondering if people want to hear from you, the answer is yes

If you haven't posted in a while (or even ever), don't worry. Know that people DO want to hear from you.

Even if a few might have moved on or perhaps aren't your ideal client, even if your list is small, even if it’s only 10 people, there are people that need to hear from you.

And one of them might very much need to hear your message, today, tomorrow or next week.

Do you want to feel braver in your marketing?

If you know you need to become more visible marketing your business but aren’t sure how to do that in a way that feels good, I’m inviting you to have a free assessment conversation with me.

We’ll spend time talking about your business and what’s emerging for you now. I’ll let you know what I think is going on and where you can focus to help your business get the attention it deserves.

Zero pressure - just lots of clarity, witnessing and affirmation that you can do this.

For more information, click here.

Photo by T. Q. on Unsplash