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Shine Your Light: Transformative Power in Sharing Your Creativity

Illuminating a path of inspiration, connection, and positive change in creating and sharing your work

In these times where so much suffering is being inflicted, endured, sometimes it’s easy to feel that the only option is to retreat, that you're too soft for all of it.

After all, part of your journey has already likely been the reclaiming that tender, still part of yourself. The part that notices a shock of burnt orange in a dahlia, an averted gaze or a trembling lip, a subtle energy shift.

You’ve likely learned, or are learning to, honor and celebrate that softness.

It is this tender soil that gives rise to your creativity.

Yes these days, with all their heartbreak—small shoes lost amongst concrete ashes, tides tearing at foundations and sweeping homes into seas, thin blankets brittling with breath, cold under bridges—and its rage—boots on the throats of women and early graves dug for the discarded - you may feel it’s all too much.

That you cannot bear the pain. That you alone cannot be effectual.

These are untruths.

The dominant culture stuffs us with stories of transformation that are big, newsworthy, consequential in their size or scope. The stories are laden with narrow narratives of overcoming, enduring, bootstrapping.

They are designed to uphold the system.

To intimidate.

I am here to remind you that every movement—basic and breathtaking ones—each was sparked through a magical coalescence of small actions.

Can not the fluttering of one pair of wings, when joined with others, produce a force felt across the planet?

When you share the essence of you who are through your creative work in the world—when you show up expressing your divinely unique soul-self— you become a light. And, when you use the gifts you’ve been given, offering your work in the world, you light a way for others who might join you on your journey.

You empower them to fly too.

Let your sharing create winds of change, ushering in a world we’re all longing for—kind, interconnected, divine—beautiful beyond belief.

Photo by Mani Shankar on Unsplash