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Your Creative Work in the New Year

My most-read articles on bringing your gifts and creative work into the world

As we start fresh into the calendar year, I've been thinking about the journey to bring your creative gifts into the world: from the beginning stirrings or recognition that you have something you want to bring to life, to knowing your calling and stepping out to journey toward it.

As I say about many things, there is no one right way, but there are principles and concepts that, if they resonate, can accompany you.

To help you start the year, I'm sharing my top five most-read blog posts from last year. I think you will find they contain fresh perspectives, insight and calls to heed your own inner wisdom.

And, if you’ve already read some, or even all, I invite you to review them again. Perhaps they'll offer a reminder or some additional insight for your journey.

I hope these articles offer insight, inspiration and nourishment for you and your creative work as we move into the new year.

  1. Starting something new with your work in the world

  2. Another lesson from the creative journey

  3. Your work in the world

  4. When things need to change

  5. When your work in the world is changing

Photo by Bailey Zindel on Unsplash