Business of Marketing

A Change for the Better

A Change for the Better

Your website is your business’ home online, and you need to love it.

It’s what people see when you invite them in. It’s where people go to find out more about you, what you do, who your business helps. And, like the physical home you live in, your website conveys a lot of important information about you and what you do to help your potential clients.

That’s why I’ve got some news I can’t wait to share

Marketing With Confidence: 5 Steps to Get You Out There

Marketing With Confidence: 5 Steps to Get You Out There

You’ve just created this program you love and finished your launch plan.

You’re supposed to start writing and setting up the email campaign, but instead you find yourself on Facebook. Then Instagram. Then checking your website pageviews. You go out to the kitchen twice. Then you think maybe you need to listen to another marketing webinar…

Deep down you know you should be implementing your launch plan, but in this moment, you’re just not feeling all that confident about your ability to help people…

Because you’re a coach, healer or creative, you know this is all about mindset.

You should be able to just get over it, right?

Your Program’s Marketing Copy: 4 Tips to Keep It Focused

Your Program’s Marketing Copy: 4 Tips to Keep It Focused

You’re staring at your computer screen, looking at the marketing copy for your latest program and you don’t know, but…something just feels off.  

If the copy is feeling a little blah or is not generating the interest you thought it would, it might be because of the Everything Plus One syndrome…

When your ideal clients are looking for help, before they decide to work with you, they need to be able to picture, I mean really visualize, how you would be able to help them.  And if they can’t quite see that, or think the program doesn’t really relate to the problems they are experiencing, they won’t have enough trust to decide to buy.

Staying Present For Your Business When Facing the Unknown

Staying Present For Your Business When Facing the Unknown

I got the call at 1:37 in the afternoon last week.

It was from my Dad.

He was calling from his mobile and something was wrong, I could feel it.

My mom’s health had unexpectedly taken a rapid decline. She wasn’t sleeping or eating well. She was dealing with mood swings. My dad was worried.

As I listened, I took a deep breath, and got ready to step into something completely unknown.