Business of Marketing

Self-employed: Lessons in Help, Heart and Magic

Self-employed: Lessons in Help, Heart and Magic

The sun warmed my forearms. Leaves rustled in the trees, and the wind carried the scent of lilac across the pasture. I was standing next to Sunna, a dove-gray Mustang who’d lived in the wild just 18 months before. She whinnied softly as I stroked her forehead.

I was marveling at the deep sense of peace melting through my veins when suddenly I realized what day it was.

May 18th. My one-year anniversary.

A year before, I left my corporate Marketing job and walked into full-time self-employment.

6 Signs Fear is Stopping You From Blogging

6 Signs Fear is Stopping You From  Blogging

In my last post, I shared common misperceptions that often stand in the way of women blogging as a way to share their message with the world. Sometimes, though, the reason women aren’t blogging has more to do with fear than misunderstanding.  

How you can recognize if fear is at play so you can get out of your own way and share your message with the world?

Here are six signs.

5 Misconceptions About Sharing Your Message by Blog

5 Misconceptions About Sharing Your Message by Blog

The women I work with – the coaches, the healers, the creatives – all have a meaningful message deep inside their hearts they want to share with world. These women are strong, passionate women, and yet often, when we look at blogging as a compelling way to share that message, many are resistant.  

The business owners typically “get” the value of blogging to support their business but have a mixed relationship with it.

Write Your Way to Great Content Ideas

Write Your Way to Great Content Ideas

You’re sitting at your desk, the laptop screen in front of you. You flip back through your journal or idea book for ideas for this week’s blog post, and once again, you are drawing a blank.

Maybe you have so much to say, it’s hard to narrow it down. Maybe you think what you have to say isn’t relevant to your audience. Or that it’s all being said already by so many other people. You think to yourself: What do I have to add?

You are stuck, and it feels thick and heavy.

I see you.

I know how hard it can feel sometimes to come up with something compelling to write about.